Logo Bidibul Oiseau
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The Assembly
Une experience en réalité virtuelle de Charlotte Bruneau
Sous la direction artistique de Charlotte Bruneau, Catherine Elsen et Laura Mannelli
Composition musicale, Pouya Ehsaei avec la participation de Catherine Elsen
Rôle principal, voix et mouvements, Catherine Elsen
Artiste visuel, Wesley Allsbrook
Design interactif, Stefan Palitov
Cheffe décor, Laura Mannelli
Monteur son, Damiano Picci
Production exécutive, Emilie Roi
Producteurs, Christel Henon, Lilian Eche, Charlotte Bruneau et Catherine Elsen
Une coproduction Bidibul Productions, Pitchblack Collective
En partenariat avec CCRD Opderschmelz
Avec le soutien du Film Fund Luxembourg et de Esch2022
Bouton Fermer
Welcome to «The Assembly», a multiplayer journey into the vast lands of our vocal territories. Here lives The Memory of Voice (MoV),a mystic creature made of our timeless vocal archive. During an 18’ sound-body experience, they invite you to explore the endless possibilities of the voice to connect to the collective. As you play and dance with sound shapes populating the MoV’s sonic world of electronic beats and dreamy melodies, you become part of a multi-dimensional instrument. In the delicate visual universe of embodied sounds drawn in Quill, you encounter other players, creating a unique song by moving in unison. One of humanity’s oldest rituals, singing together unites communities beyond language, reminding us of the timeless power the voice holds to foster connection. Exploring this ancestral practice in virtual reality, where we use our bodies to sound together, “The Assembly” is a homage to the voices constantly shaping our memories and hence, who we are.
© 2023 Bidibul Productions - Pitchblack Collective
Une production Luxembourg